List of Australian political controversies

This is a list of major political controversies in Australia:

Controversy "name"
People involved
Rum rebellion 1808 Deposition and arrest of NSW Governor William Bligh by Major George Johnston, John Macarthur
Hopetoun Blunder 1900 Appointment of the first Prime Minister: Edmund Barton, William Lyne and John Hope, 7th Earl of Hopetoun
Nevanas affair 1915 Actions leading to the downfall of John Scaddan's W.A. government
Mungana Affair 1929 Corrupt actions by Qld. Premiers Ted Theodore and William McCormack
Lang Dismissal Crisis 1932 Dismissal of NSW Premier Jack Lang by governor Philip Game
Attempted exclusion of Egon Kisch from Australia 1934 Egon Erwin Kisch, Joseph Lyons, Robert Menzies, Herbert Evatt and many others
Playmander 1936
South Australian Electoral "gerrymander" favouring Sir Thomas Playford
Petrov Affair 1954 Vladimir Petrov and others
Gair Affair 1974 Vince Gair, Gough Whitlam, Joh Bjelke-Petersen
Loans Affair 1975 Jim Cairns, Rex Connor
1975 Australian constitutional crisis 1975 Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser, Sir John Kerr
Combe-Ivanov affair 1983 David Combe, Valery Ivanov, Mick Young
Fitzgerald Inquiry 1987 Joh Bjelke-Petersen
Edmund Rouse bribery scandal 1989 Jim Cox, Robin Gray, Gunns
WA Inc royal commission 1992
Easton affair 1992 Carmen Lawrence
Metherell affair 1992 Nick Greiner, Tim Moore, Terry Metherell
Sports rorts affair 1994 Ros Kelly
Bruce Stadium affair 2000 Kate Carnell
Tampa affair 2001 John Howard
Children Overboard Affair 2001 John Howard
Orange Grove affair 2004
Trish Draper travel incident 2004
Unlawful detention of Cornelia Rau 2005 Philip Ruddock
Unlawful deportation of Vivian Solon 2005 Philip Ruddock
AWB Oil-for-Wheat Scandal 2006 AWB Limited
Muhamed Haneef affair 2007 Philip Ruddock, Kevin Andrews
Lindsay pamphlet scandal 2007 Jackie Kelly
Iguana Joe's incident 2008 Belinda Neal allegedly abusing restaurant staff
Belinda Neal comment 2008 Belinda Neal comment to Sophie Mirabella concerning Mirabella's unborn child
Utegate or OzCar affair 2009 Malcolm Turnbull, Godwin Grech
